The Hack

Where's Joe? is a VR game that allows the player to immerse themself in a three-level world and seek giant memes of Joe Biden and his ice cream. The accompanying web platform also offers the VR file for download and an opportunity to donate Bitcoins to the creators. Be an Uncommon explorer, treading where no one has tread before.


VR Game:
-Unity3D to create the environment
-Maya and Sketchup to alter 3D models
-C# scripts

-HTML/CSS and JavaScript to build the platform
-Blockchain and API for widgets


We aimed to offer the VR game on our website to be downloaded through However, the PC used to build the game produced files untranslatable to Mac OS and made the program inaccessible outside the local system. We also wanted to incorporate Blockchain into the project and struggled to research feasible ideas before deciding to implement a widget to collect Bitcoin donations.


Creating a VR world from scratch and and using Oculus VR for the first time!

Please Donate To Bitcoin Address: [[address]]

Donation of [[value]] BTC Received. Thank You.